My Support Coordinator

How to Ask the NDIS for a Support Coordinator and Keep It

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Are you navigating the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)’s (complicated) world? Are you seeking for advice on how to ask for and keep a support coordinator’s assistance? Look nowhere else! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to approach the NDIS for a support coordinator and offer sound advice on how to maintain their assistance. This article will arm you with the knowledge and methods required to properly interact with the NDIS and obtain the assistance you need, whether you’re a participant, a family member, or a carer.

What is the NDIS and Why is a Support Coordinator Important?

Before we dive into the intricacies of how to hire one and maintain their services, let’s quickly recap the NDIS and the necessity of having a support coordinator.

The Australian government’s National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) was created to offer assistance and services to people with impairments. Its main objective is to assist persons with disabilities in attaining their goals, increasing their independence, and generally enhancing their quality of life.

A support coordinator is a specialist who represents and guides NDIS members. They aid in negotiating the NDIS’s intricacies, guarantee participants receive the right services, and assist them in selecting the care and support alternatives that are best for them. Support coordinators are essential in organising services, connecting clients with service providers, and ensuring that NDIS plans are carried out.

How to Ask the NDIS for a Support Coordinator

Now that we understand the importance of a support coordinator, let’s explore the steps you can take to request one from the NDIS.

Step 1: Understand Your Needs and Goals

It’s critical to have a clear awareness of your needs, goals, and the particular support you require before contacting the NDIS. Spend some time evaluating your existing circumstance and determining which areas you require help. This self-reflection will enable you to articulate your requirements effectively when engaging with the NDIS.

Step 2: Gather Relevant Documentation

To support your request for a support coordinator, gather all the relevant documentation that highlights your disability and the challenges you face. This may include medical reports, assessments, and any other supporting evidence. Having these documents ready will provide the NDIS with a comprehensive understanding of your situation and strengthen your case for a support coordinator.

Step 3: Contact the NDIS

It’s time to get in touch with the NDIS once you have a clear grasp of your needs and goals as well as the required paperwork. The NDIS can be contacted via their website, by phone, or by stopping by a nearby office. Explain your circumstance, let them know you need a support coordinator, and give them the pertinent data and records you’ve obtained.

Step 4: Collaborate with the NDIS

After contacting the NDIS, they will review your request and assess whether a support coordinator is necessary in your case. If they determine that a support coordinator would be beneficial, they will include it in your NDIS plan. It’s important to collaborate with the NDIS during this process, providing any additional information or clarification they may require. Remember, open communication and active engagement are key to obtaining the support you need.

How to Maintain a Support Coordinator

Once you have successfully requested a support coordinator from the NDIS, it’s essential to maintain a positive and collaborative relationship to ensure ongoing support. Here are some tips to help you keep your support coordinator:

Tip 1: Clearly Communicate Your Needs and Expectations

Effective communication is vital in maintaining a support coordinator. Clearly express your needs, expectations, and goals to your support coordinator. Regularly discuss your progress, any changes in your circumstances, and provide feedback on the services you receive. By maintaining open and honest communication, you can work together towards achieving your desired outcomes.

Tip 2: Actively Participate in Your NDIS Plan

Stay actively engaged in your NDIS plan and take ownership of your goals and supports. Attend scheduled plan reviews and meetings, and actively participate in the decision-making process. This demonstrates your commitment to self-management and your willingness to work collaboratively with your support coordinator.

Tip 3: Provide Feedback and Seek Assistance When Needed

If you have any issues with your support coordinator or the services they are offering, don’t be hesitant to voice them in a constructive manner. Likewise, contact your support coordinator for guidance and assistance if you require additional assistance or run into new problems. Remember that they are there to assist you, and prompt settlement of any issues will support an environment that is conducive to effective work.


Asking the NDIS for a support coordinator is a significant step towards receiving the necessary assistance and support for individuals with disabilities. By understanding your needs, effectively communicating with the NDIS, and actively engaging in your NDIS plan, you can increase your chances of obtaining and retaining a support coordinator.

To build a strong and fruitful relationship with your support coordinator, keep lines of communication open, offer feedback, and ask for help when you need it. The NDIS is created to empower people with disabilities, and you can take advantage of their assistance by using the proper approaches and techniques.

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